Source code for RFigure.RFigureCore

""" Unless mentionned otherwise, the code is written by R. Dessalles (Grumpfou).
Published under license GNU General Public License v3.0. Part of the RFigure
import matplotlib
import warnings
import inspect
import textwrap

# with warnings.catch_warnings():
#     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
#     matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg')

import matplotlib.pyplot
# matplotlib.pyplot.ion() = False
import numpy as np
import os
import tempfile
import re
import traceback
import sys
from . import RFigurePickle
from .RFigureMisc import RPathFormatting, RTextWrap,decoDocFormatting
from .RFigureSearchvar import find_varsdict_from_list
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

__version__ = '3.1'

###################### CONFIG IMPORTATION ##############################
path_to_header = './RFigureConfig/'
file_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
path_to_header = os.path.join(file_dir,path_to_header)

# For fuiture config
# path_to_config = './RFigureConfig/'
# path_to_config = os.path.join(file_dir,path_to_config)
# config = {}
# if os.path.exists(path_to_config):
#     exec(open(path_to_config).read(),{},config)

# matplotlib.pyplot.ion()

[docs]class RFigureCore: """ This si the RFigureCore core class. """ CURDATE = None # you can reassign CURDATE to the date by default (something like `'20191031'` ) FORMAT = "Figure_%Y%m%d_%s" ext = '.rfig3' fig_type_list=['pdf','eps','png','svg'] frame_number = 1 # Usefull in the case where d is a list. tell how many frame we need to take to have the function call
[docs] def __init__(self, d=None,i=None,c=None, file_split="# RFIG_start_instructions", filepath=None): """ This function will save the figure into a propper way, in order to open it again. Parameters ---------- d : dict dictionary that contain the variable useful to plot the figure. i : str or func instructions, string that contains the python code to create the figure. If it is a function, takes the source of the function. c : str commentaries where the user can describe the figure. file_split : str file_split it the string that will separate the instructions. What will be bollow the first instance of will be considered as the instructions. If `file_split` string is not encountered, keeps the whole instructions filepath : str the path to the file (useful for the local header and to directly save the file) frame : int Example ------- >>> import RFigure,numpy ... X = numpy.arange(0,10,0.1) ... Y = numpy.cos(X) ... i = "plot(X,Y)" # the instrucutions ... d = dict(X=X,Y=Y) # the data to display ... c = "This is a test" # the commentaries associate with the figures ... rf = RFigure.RFigureCore(d=d,i=i,c=c) ... # execute the instructions to be sure it works ...'./Test.rfig3') # only save the rfig3 file ...'./Test.rfig3',fig_type='pdf') # save the rfig3 file as well as the pdf associated """ if i is None: self.instructions = "" elif callable(i): self.instructions = textwrap.dedent( '\n'.join(inspect.getsource(i).split('\n')[1:])) else: self.instructions = i self.commentaries = "" if c is None else c if type(d)==list: d = find_varsdict_from_list(d,frame_number) self.dict_variables = {} if d is None else d self.file_split = file_split self.clean_instructions() # we clean the instructions self.filepath = filepath assert type(self.instructions) is str assert type(self.commentaries) is str assert type(self.dict_variables) is dict assert type(self.file_split) is str
[docs] def execute(self,print_errors=False): """ The method executes the instructions (no `show` at the end). Proceed in four steps: 1. executes the general header file `RFigure/RFigureConfig/` 2. executes the local header file `./` 3. updates the locals with the rfig variables `self.dict_variables` 4. executes the rfig instructions `self.instructions` Parameters ---------- print_errors : bool if True, will print the errors rather than raise them (to avoid some troubles with PyQt5) """ if self.filepath!=None: dirpath,_ = os.path.split(self.filepath) else: dirpath = '.' matplotlib.pyplot.close('all') if os.path.exists(path_to_header): with open (path_to_header,'r') as fid: instructions_header_general = else: print("Could not find the path to header") instructions_header_general = "" if not dirpath is None: path_to_header_local = os.path.join(dirpath,'./') if os.path.exists(path_to_header_local): with open (path_to_header_local,'r') as fid: instructions_header_local = else: instructions_header_local = "" dict_variables = dict() def exec_instructions(instructions,filename,globals_): locals_ = {} try: code = compile(instructions,filename,'exec') exec(code,globals_,**locals_) globals_.update(locals_) except Exception as e : if print_errors: traceback.print_exc() return False else: raise e return locals_ # locals_ = {} globals_ = {} exec_instructions(instructions_header_general,path_to_header,globals_) exec_instructions(instructions_header_local,path_to_header_local,globals_) globals_.update(self.dict_variables.copy()) exec_instructions(self.instructions,'RFigureInstructions',globals_) return globals_
[docs] def show(self,print_errors=False): """ Method that execute the code instructions and adds the statement at the end. Parameters ---------- print_errors : bool if True will print the errors rather than raise them (to avoid some troubles with PyQt5) """ self.execute(print_errors=print_errors)
[docs] @decoDocFormatting(fig_type_list) def save(self,filepath=None,fig_type=None,check_ext=True): """ Will save the figure in a rfig file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str The filepath where to save the figure. Adds the extension if necessary. If None, search the attribute self.filepath (if self.filepath also None, raise an error). Is not None, set `self.filepath` to the new file path. fig_type : None, str or list(str) if not None, will save the figure in the corresponding format (if it is a list, will save in several formats). Should be in %s. check_ext: bool if True, adds if necessary the extension to filepath Returns ------- paths : list of str the paths of the files created/edited (i.e. the rfig file and the pdf/png/etc. that represents the figure) """ if filepath is None: filepath = self.filepath if filepath is None: raise TypeError("The `filepath` needs to be specified") objects = [self.dict_variables,self.instructions],filepath,self.commentaries, version = __version__,ext=self.ext) paths = [filepath] if fig_type: paths1 = self.savefig(filepath,fig_type=fig_type) paths += paths1 self.filepath = filepath return paths
[docs] @decoDocFormatting(fig_type_list) def savefig(self,fig_path,fig_type='png'): """Method that will save the figure with the corresponding extention. Parameters ---------- fig_path : str The path of where to save the figure the figure. fig_type : None, str or list(str) if not None, will save the figure in the corresponding format (if it is a list, will save in several formats). Should be in %s. Returns ------- paths : list of str the paths of the files created/edited (i.e. the rfig file and the pdf/png/etc. that represents the figure) """ if type(fig_type)==list: paths = [] for ext in fig_type: paths += self.savefig(fig_path=fig_path, fig_type=ext) return paths assert fig_type in self.fig_type_list dirpath,_=os.path.split(fig_path) if fig_type not in self.fig_type_list and not (fig_type is None): raise ValueError('fig_type should be in '+str(self.fig_type_list)) matplotlib.pyplot.ion() globals_ = self.execute() # `RFIG_savefig_kargs` is a dict that contains the possible kargs to # add when using `matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig(...,**kargs)` if 'RFIG_savefig_kargs' in globals_: RFIG_savefig_kargs = globals_['RFIG_savefig_kargs'] else: RFIG_savefig_kargs = dict() # we make the list of all the figures figures=[manager.canvas.figure for manager in \ matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()] paths = [] if fig_type in {'png','eps','svg'}: fig_path,_ = os.path.splitext(fig_path) # if there is more than one figure, we will save under the names : # Sometitle_00.png , Sometitle_01.png, Sometitle_02.png if len(figures)>1: to_zfill=np.log10(len(figures))+1 for i,fig in enumerate(figures): nb='_'+str(i).zfill(int(to_zfill)) f = fig_path+nb+'.'+fig_type fig.savefig(f,bbox_inches='tight',**RFIG_savefig_kargs) paths.append(f) elif len(figures)>0: f = fig_path+'.'+fig_type figures[0].savefig(fig_path+'.'+fig_type,bbox_inches='tight', **RFIG_savefig_kargs) paths.append(f) elif fig_type=='pdf': fig_path,_ = os.path.splitext(fig_path) fig_path += '.'+fig_type pp = PdfPages(fig_path) for fig in figures: # pp.savefig(fig,bbox_inches='tight',transparent=True) pp.savefig(fig,bbox_inches='tight',**RFIG_savefig_kargs) pp.close() paths.append(fig_path) matplotlib.pyplot.close('all') matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() print ("========== END SAVE =========") return paths
[docs] def clean_instructions(self): """Ensure that the instruction are idented at the the first level. """ current_instructions = self.instructions[:] list_lines = current_instructions.split('\n') # list_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in list_lines] min_tab = np.infty for line in list_lines: if len(line)>0: #if it is not an emptyline i=0 while i<len(line) and line[i]=='\t' : i+=1 min_tab=np.min([min_tab,i]) if min_tab==0: break if min_tab>0 and min_tab!=np.infty: for i,line in enumerate(list_lines): if len(line)>min_tab: list_lines[i]=line[int(min_tab):] self.instructions='\n'.join(list_lines) self.instructions = self.instructions.split(self.file_split)[-1]
[docs] def open(self,filepath): """Open the rfig file from filepath Parameters ---------- filepath : str the path of the rfigure. Set the attribute self.filepath to this value """ if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath += self.ext assert os.path.exists(filepath), filepath+" does not exist." o,c,v = RFigurePickle.load(filepath) assert v>= "2" self.commentaries = c self.instructions = o[1] self.dict_variables = o[0] self.filepath = filepath
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls,filepath): """Return a RFigureCore instance that had openned the rfigure. Parameters ---------- filepath : str the path of the rfigure to load Returns ------- rfig : RFigureCore The RFigureCore instance created. """ rfig=cls() return rfig
[docs] @staticmethod def update(fig_path,d=None,i=None,c=None,mode='append',fig_type=None): """ Update the dict_variables of an already existing file: Parameters ---------- fig_path: str The rfig2 file to update. d: dict The dict to update with. i: str The instricution to update with. c: str The commentary to update with. mode: str in ['append','replace'] if mode=='append': will update the dict and add instructions and commentaries to the allready instructions and commentaries if mode=='replace': will replace the dict, instructions and commentaries Returns ------- rfig : RFigureCore instance the RFigureCore instance with updated dict_variables """ rfig = RFigureCore.load(fig_path) assert mode in ['append','replace'] if d!=None: if mode == 'append': rfig.dict_variables.update(d) else: rfig.dict_variables = d if i!=None: if mode == 'append': rfig.instructions += i else: rfig.instructions = i if c!=None: if mode == 'append': rfig.commentaries += c else: rfig.commentaries = c return rfig
[docs] def formatName(self,filepath=None,replace_current=True): """ Format the filename under the format: "path/Figure_YYYYMMDD_foo.rfig3" where foo is the current filename. If the filpath is already under this format, do not change it. It updates the attribute `self.filepath`. Parameters ---------- filepath : str the filepath to format, by default takes `self.filename` replace_current : bool if True, then replace the current `self.filepath` by the one obtained Returns ------- filepath : str the new filepath with the updated file name Example ------- >>> rf = RFigureCore(filpath='./foo/faa.rfig3') >>> rf.formatName() "./foo/Figure_20181201_faa.rfig3" >>> rf.formatName(filepath='./foo/fii.rfig3') "./foo/Figure_20181201_fii.rfig3" >>> rf.formatName(filepath='./foo/Figure_20181201_fuu.rfig3') "./foo/Figure_20181201_fuu.rfig3" (with each time, 20181201 corresponding to the curent date) """ if filepath is None: filepath = self.filepath # format = config.get('formatName','Figure_%Y%m%d_%s') # Furture config: # path_to_config_local = os.path.join(dirpath,'./') # if os.path.exists(path_to_config_local): # con if self.CURDATE is None: date = None else: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.CURDATE,'%Y%m%d') filepath = RPathFormatting(self.FORMAT,date=date).formatFilepath(filepath=filepath) if replace_current: self.filepath = filepath return filepath
[docs] def formatExt(self,filepath=None,ext=None,replace_current=True): """ Changes/adds if necessary the extension to the filepath. Update the attribute `self.filepath` accordingly Parameters ---------- filepath : str the filepath to format. ext : str the extension (the dot needs to be included). By default, takes `self.ext`. replace_current : bool if True, then replace the current `self.filepath` by the one obtained Returns ------- filepath : str the new filepath with the updated file extension """ if ext==None: ext=self.ext dirpath,filename = os.path.split(filepath) if not filename.endswith(ext): filename,_=os.path.splitext(filename) filename += ext filepath = os.path.join(dirpath,filename) if replace_current: self.filepath = filepath return filepath
if __name__ == '__main__': from . import RFigureGui RFigureGui.main(sys.argv)