Source code for RFigure.RFigureMagics

from . import RFigureCore
from . import RFigurePickle
from . import RFigureMisc
from . import RFigureSearchvar
import re,sys,argparse,shlex,textwrap
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.magic import  (Magics, magics_class, line_magic,
                                cell_magic, line_cell_magic)

[docs]class MyArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
[docs] class ArgumentParserError(Exception): pass
[docs] def error(self, message): raise self.ArgumentParserError(message)
def exit(self, status=0, message=None): if message: self._print_message(message, _sys.stderr)
[docs]@magics_class class RFigureMagics(Magics): epilog_save = """ Examples -------- (in IPython/Jupyter) >>> import numpy as np ... a = np.arange(0,10,.1) ... b = np.cos(a) ... comment = "A comment" ... diction = {'a':a,'b':1/a} >>> %%rfig_save Test ... # search the variables in the instructions, no comment and save in pdf ... plt.plot(a,b) >>> %%rfig_save -c comment Test ... # search the variables in the instructions, with a comment and save in pdf ... plt.plot(a,b) >>> %%rfig_save --fig_type png Test ... # search the variables in the instructions, no comment and save in png ... plt.plot(a,b) >>> %%rfig_save -d diction Test ... # specify other variables, no comment, save in pdf ... plt.plot(a,b) >>> %%rfig_save --format_name Test ... # search the variables in the instructions, format the filename ... plt.plot(a,b) """ parser_save = MyArgumentParser( prog='%%rfig_save', description = ("Will save a RFigure, whose instructions are the " "code written in the remaining of the cell."), add_help=False,epilog=textwrap.dedent(epilog_save), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser_save.add_argument("--help","-h", help="show this help message and exit", action="store_true") parser_save.add_argument("--format_name","-fn", help=("Format the name of the file as Figure_YYYYMMDD_foo where " "YYYYMMDD stands for the date. `foo` will be the file names. " "If the file name is already under this format, do notiong."), action="store_true") parser_save.add_argument("-d", help="Dictionary of the locals in the rfigure file. If not " "specified, guess from the instructions.", nargs=1) parser_save.add_argument("-c", help="Comments associated to the file", nargs=1) parser_save.add_argument("--fig_type",'-ft', help="extension of the figure, should be in "+str(RFigureCore.fig_type_list), nargs=1) parser_save.add_argument("filepath", help="Path of the file.", nargs='?')
[docs] @RFigureMisc.decoSetDoc(parser_save.format_help()) @cell_magic def rfig_save(self,line,cell): args = self.parser_save.parse_args(shlex.split(line)) if self.parser_save.print_help() return True if args.filepath is None: self.parser_save.error("the following arguments are required: filepath") if args.d is None: args.d = RFigureSearchvar.find_varsdict_from_cell(cell) print("We determined the RFigure variables to be: `"+"`, `".join(args.d.keys())+"`") else: args.d = eval(args.d[0],RFigureSearchvar.find_ipython_locals()) if args.c is None: args.c = "" else: args.c = eval(args.c[0],RFigureSearchvar.find_ipython_locals()) if args.fig_type is None: args.fig_type = 'pdf' elif args.fig_type=='None': args.fig_type = None else: args.fig_type = args.fig_type[0] cell = cell.strip() if cell.startswith("%pylab"): # if the first line is a pylab magic, remove the first line cell = '\n'.join(cell.split('\n')[1:]) rf = RFigureCore(d=args.d,i=cell,c=args.c,filepath=args.filepath) if args.format_name: rf.formatName()
epilog_list_var = """ Examples -------- (in IPython/Jupyter) >>> a = np.arange(0,10,.1) ... b = np.cos(a) >>> %%rfig_list_var ... plot(a,b) We determined the RFigure variables to be: `a`, `b` >>> %%rfig_list_var a_dict ... plot(a,b) We determined the RFigure variables to be: `a`, `b` >>> print(a_dict.keys()) dict_keys(['a','b']) """ parser_list_var = MyArgumentParser( prog='%%rfig_list_var', description = ("Detects the variables in the code of the cell."), add_help=False,epilog=textwrap.dedent(epilog_list_var), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser_list_var.add_argument("--help","-h", help="show this help message and exit", action="store_true") parser_list_var.add_argument("dict_variable", help="the variable name of the dictionary in which will be stored the " "variables detected in the cell. If none is given, only prints " "its keys.", nargs='?')
[docs] @RFigureMisc.decoSetDoc(parser_list_var.format_help()) @cell_magic def rfig_list_var(self,line,cell): args = self.parser_list_var.parse_args(shlex.split(line)) if is True: self.parser_list_var.print_help() return True d = RFigureSearchvar.find_varsdict_from_cell(cell) print("We determined the RFigure variables to be: `"+"`, `".join(d.keys())+"`") if not args.dict_variable is None: print("args.dict_variable[0]",args.dict_variable){args.dict_variable:d})
epilog_load = """ Examples -------- (in IPython/Jupyter) >>> # Opens the RFigure Test.rfig3: ... # 1) import its variables in the notebook locals ... # 2) checks that %pylab is imported (if not addd it) ... # 3) create a new cell with the instructions ... %rfig_load "Test.rfig3" >>> # Opens the RFigure Test.rfig3: ... # 1) stores the variables in `ddd` ... # 2) stores the instructions in `iii` ... # 3) stores the commentaries in `ccc` ... %rfig_load -i iii -c ccc -d ddd "Test.rfig3" """ parser_load = MyArgumentParser( prog='%%rfig_load', description = ("Will load a RFigure in the Jupyter notebook."), add_help=False,epilog=textwrap.dedent(epilog_load), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser_load.add_argument("--help","-h", help="show this help message and exit", action="store_true") parser_load.add_argument('-d', help="the variable name of the dictionary in which will be stored the " "variables of the RFigure. If none is given, import in the " "notebook locals.", nargs=1) parser_load.add_argument('-i', help="the variable name of the string in which will be stored the " "instructions of the RFigure. If none is given, create a new cell " "filled with the instructions. Also checks if the magic `%%pylab` " "has been executed. If not, it adds the command `%%pylab` at the " "begining of the instructions", nargs=1) parser_load.add_argument('-c', help="the variable name of the string in which will be stored the " "commentaries of the RFigure.", nargs=1) parser_load.add_argument("filepath", help="Path of the file to open.", nargs='?')
[docs] @RFigureMisc.decoSetDoc(parser_load.format_help()) @line_magic def rfig_load(self,line): """ Magic function to open an existing rfigure and import the instructions and update the locals with the rfigure variables. """ args = self.parser_load.parse_args(shlex.split(line)) if self.parser_load.print_help() return True if args.filepath is None: self.parser_load.error("the following arguments are required: filepath") rf = RFigureCore.load(args.filepath) if args.d is None: else:{args.d:rf.dict_variables}) raw_code = rf.instructions if not all([mod in sys.modules for mod in ["numpy","matplotlib","figsize","plt","pylab" "mlab", "pyplot"] ]): #Heuristic to know if the magics %pylab has been alredy exectued raw_code = "%pylab\n"+raw_code if args.i is None:'{}'.format(raw_code)) else:{args.i[0]:raw_code}) if not args.c is None:{args.c[0]: rf.commentaries})
[docs] @line_magic def rfig_curdate(self,line): """ Magic function that assign a different current date that will be used when formatting the names. Equivalent to change the value of `RFigureCore.CURDATE`. Examples -------- (in IPython/Jupyter) >>> %rfig_save --format_name Test ... # Will save in the file `Figure_YYYYMMDD_Test.rfig3` where YYYYMMDD ... # stands for the current date. ... plt.plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10)) >>> %rfig_crudate 19990909 ... # set the curent date to `'19990909'` >>> %rfig_save --format_name Test ... # Will save in the file `Figure_19990909_Test.rfig3` ... plt.plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10)) """ line = line.strip() assert re.match('^[0-9]{8}$',line),'Use a date under the format YYYYMMDD' RFigureCore.CURDATE = line
[docs] @line_magic def rfig_format(self,line): """ Magic function that assign a different format that will be used when formatting the names. Equivalent to change the value of `RFigureCore.FORMAT`. Examples -------- (in IPython/Jupyter) >>> %rfig_save --format_name Test ... # Will save in the file `Figure_YYYYMMDD_Test.rfig3` where YYYYMMDD ... # stands for the current date. ... plt.plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10)) >>> %rfig_format Fig-%Y-%m-%d_%s ... # set the curent date to `'Fig-%Y-%m-%d_%s'` >>> %rfig_save --format_name Test ... # Will save in the file `Fig_YYYY-MM-DD_Test.rfig3` ... plt.plot(np.arange(10),np.arange(10)) """ line = line.strip() RFigureCore.FORMAT = line
def load_ipython_extension(ipython): ipython.register_magics(RFigureMagics)