Source code for RFigure.RFigurePickle

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function,unicode_literals
import os,gzip
import subprocess
import random
from .RFigureMisc import decoDocFormatting
# import numpy as np

__version__ = "2.1"

import sys
    import numpy
    has_numpy = True
except ImportError:
    has_numpy = False

    import pandas
    has_pandas = True
except ImportError:
    has_pandas = False

import sys
strings_types = [str]
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    unicode= str

###################### CONFIG IMPORTATION ##############################
path_to_header = './RFigureConfig/'
file_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
path_to_header = os.path.join(file_dir,path_to_header)

authorized_types = [int,list,bool,dict,float,str,tuple]
if has_numpy:
    authorized_types += [numpy.ndarray,numpy.dtype]
    authorized_types += [numpy.int8,numpy.int16,numpy.int32,numpy.int64]
    authorized_types += [numpy.float16,numpy.float32,numpy.float64]
    authorized_types += [numpy.complex,numpy.complex64,numpy.complex128]
    authorized_types += [numpy.datetime64,numpy.timedelta64]
    authorized_types += [numpy.bool_]

if has_pandas:

[docs]def isAuthorized(v): """Function that determines if the object is authorised to be saved in a rpickle file. It checks recusivally (if a list or a dict) that the object can indeed be represented in a rpickle file. Parameters ---------- v : any object the object to check Returns ------- res : bool the status of the object """ if type(v) in [list,tuple]: return all([isAuthorized(var) for var in v]) elif has_numpy and type(v)==numpy.ndarray: return (v.dtype.type in authorized_types) elif has_pandas and type(v)==pandas.core.frame.DataFrame : return (v.dtype.type in authorized_types) else: return (type(v) in authorized_types)
[docs]def save(objects,filepath,commentaries="",version=None,ext='.rpk2'): """Function that will save the given objects in a rpickle file. Parameters ---------- objects : list of dict the object to save (can be a list or a dict if needed). filepath : str the place where to save the sile, if has no extension, it will take the one of the class. commentaries : str string that contains commentaries about the thing version : str the version of the software that should use the pickle. ext : str the file extension (the dot should be included) """ if version == None: version = __version__ path,e = os.path.splitext(filepath) if len(e)==0: filepath+=ext imports = [] to_save = object_to_txt([objects,commentaries,version],imports) to_save = '\n'.join(["import %s"%s for s in imports])+'\n'+to_save filepath_tmp = filepath+'__tmp__'+str(random.randint(0,10000)).zfill(4) # create a temporary file fid = gzip.GzipFile(filepath_tmp,'wb') try : fid.write(to_save.encode('utf-8')) print ("Pickle success") finally : fid.close() # if the file exists, we remove it, otherwise, error on Windows if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) os.rename(filepath_tmp,filepath)
[docs]@decoDocFormatting(str(authorized_types)) def object_to_txt(objects,imports): """Function that will transform any object in its string version Parameters ---------- objects : in %s the object to represent as a string imports : list of str list of all the libraries needed to define the object (will be updated insitus) Returns: res : str the string representation of the object """ if type(objects) not in authorized_types: raise ValueError("The type "+str(type(objects))+" can not be save "+ "using this pickle, only the ones in this list: "+str(authorized_types)) res= u"" if type(objects)==dict: res += "{"+",".join([object_to_txt(k,imports)+":"+object_to_txt(v,imports) for k,v in objects.items()]) + "}" elif type(objects)==tuple: res += "("+",".join([object_to_txt(o,imports) for o in objects]) + ")" elif type(objects)==list: res += "["+",".join([object_to_txt(o,imports) for o in objects]) + "]" elif has_numpy and type(objects)==numpy.ndarray: res += "numpy.array("+object_to_txt(list(objects),imports)+\ ',dtype=numpy.'+object_to_txt(objects.dtype,imports)+')' imports.append("numpy") elif has_pandas and type(objects)==pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: res += "pandas.DataFrame("+object_to_txt(objects.values,imports)+\ ",index = "+object_to_txt(list(objects.index),imports)+\ ",columns = "+object_to_txt(list(objects.columns),imports)+\ ")" imports.append("pandas") else: res += repr(objects) return res
[docs]def load(filepath): """ Load the RPickle file of filepath Parameters --------- filepath: path to the file to load Returns ------- objets : list or dict the saved objects commentaries : str the commentaries stored in the file version : str the version string stored in the file """ fid = gzip.GzipFile(filepath,'rb') try : reads = finally : fid.close() fid = open (os.path.normpath(path_to_header),'r') try : if pyth2: instructions = unicode('utf-8')) else: instructions = finally: fid.close() reads = reads.decode('utf-8').split('\n') instructions += '\n'+'\n'.join(reads[:-1])+"\n"+\ 'objects,commentaries,version = '+reads[-1] try: d=dict() exec(instructions,d) print("Success instructions") except BaseException as e: raise e return d['objects'],d['commentaries'],d['version']